It's easy to open your bag Manuka Haylage and once opened store in an airtight container.

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Botulism is a form of poisoning caused by the toxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

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Use Haylage as a ‘low sugar’ forage alternative for sugar sensitive horses.

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Research has now shown that lucerne can be used to prevent and in some cases treat gastric ulcers in horses.

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roviding a suitable diet for affected horses plays a pivotal role in their effective management.

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Equine Nutritional Consultant Dr Mark Barnett shares insights on white mould that can sometimes be seen on haylage products.

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Horses are hard-wired to eat and are referred to as "trickle grazers". Free-ranging horses will graze or forage for around 10-15 hours per day (some up to 18 hours) with foraging behaviour spread over 10-15 individual feed bouts.

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Manuka Lucerne haylage is a type of conserved forage. Instead of leaving the harvest to dry before baling, as would be done for hay

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Traditionally hay has been the stable alternative to pasture and when more digestible energy is required to meet the increasing demands of performance horses the amount of hay decreases and the quantity of grain or concentrate increases.

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